On the July 31st we set out on a long journey through Europe. Our first stop was the Saartje Foundation in the Netherlands so that we could visit Tanja and her fellow dwarf Czechoslovakian Vlcaks. Tanja, thank you so much for our talk over coffee!!
The next stop was Coquelles in France, where we had a short walk in the neighborhood, and then some frisbee training at nightfall and then off to bed. The wolfdogs have dominated the hotel but soon they all fell asleep. On the 1st of August, Malo, K-Lee and Lolka stayed at the beach of Calais. There was a bit of lazing about and sightseeing the The Guns of Navarone, then they ate their breakfast on the beach and spent some time on sunbathing and just having fun. Magda, Tito and I had to travel by Eurotunnel to UK. That was a real adventure! First Pet Control, then the first check-in at our first border crossing, then a second check-in and finally, we were about to board the train. There were some troubles with the pressure but after 30 minutes the La Manche Canal was conquered ;)
In the UK we had to focus a lot on driving on the appropriate side of the road… over and over in my head I had to remind myself “stay on the left, stay on the left…” There was a small misunderstanding with the check-in on the Cargo ferry, but I have to admit that in my experience the British people were very patient. Our next stop was in the White Cliffs Park. Those were Tito’s first steps on British soil. The weather was very hot but we spent some time on walking on the cliffs, a bit of sightseeing and a train trip. Tito was a very good boy, he had his classic demonstration version on… without any help or coaxing he got on the train to London. There was a tender farewell and the train’s whistle announced Magda’s and Tito’s departure. In a now empty car I drove into a massive ferry and kept admiring the cliffs of Dover so that later I could wave hello to the French people.
The girls and Malo were almost burned with the sun, tired but happy and they were waiting for me in Sangatte. The rest of our trip was a lot of traffic jams through Belgium, Holland and Germany. We arrived at midnight, managed to pitch our tent, say hello and went to sleep. On the 2nd of August we finally had some free time, girls went swimming in the Main River, there were pleasant conversations, beer, wine, sun and Uuuuurcio!! The girls were thrilled – finally a suitor of their own!!!
On the 3rd of August there was the Czechoslovakian Vlcak specialty show in Freudenberg. I and Lilka, we goofed up, so we received second place but the rating/description was very good and matched reality. The judge was fair. After the show, again we had some more opportunities for great conversation, some beer and wine, and then off to bed to get some rest and strength for the trip home. The last point on our list will have to wait. Now, finally, we’re home. I’d like to thank all my friends and acquaintances for all of the great times! hope to see you all again soon!!!
Tito travels through Europe to his new home!!!
08/08/13 10:11